Sunday, 9 October 2016

A donation from Llandovery Rotary Club

On Tuesday 4th October I was invited to meet up with members of our local Llandovery Rotary Club to be presented with a donation in memory of Boots.  The donation to be made to a charity of my choice.  What was so special was that this was also Boots' birthday and the charity is one that he thought much of.  He would have been 69.

President, David Thomas presenting cheque to me

Happily receiving the cheque from President, David Thomas 

Laura, me, David Thomas and Rev Ian Aveson

Children receiving a recent donation
In this instance, and encouraged as I was by Derek Jones and immediate Past President, Barry Clement (over a bottle of wine a few months ago and very much enjoyed)  I have decided that it should go to Glen Lorne Orphan and Destitute Children Program in Harare.  This program was set up by a friend of mine (Natalie) at least ten years ago to help feed those children abandoned in the wake of AIDS.   Nowadays the project doesn't just help feed the children but also gains medical aid for those that need it.   Every single penny raised goes to help the children.  Natalie has done an amazing thing against enormous odds to sustain this project over an incredibly difficult time for Zimbabwe.  It proves that every single one of us can do something incredible for others if we try and that each and every one of us really can make a difference even if sometimes we don't quite realise it.  Derek and Barry both thought that I should travel to Zimbabwe to make the donation personally - another reason for this trip; I had to agree!

Help for a club foot operation

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