Monday, 24 October 2016

Curry Night and Domboshawa

Natalie receiving the donation
Saturday 15th October - I started to clear and sort out the shed and garage.  Found rafters for Penny to use for her white water trip.   Last used by Vicky or Laura!   I also came across seven rats - 6 dead in various states of decay plus a big live one.  It was very hot work and non too pleasant but Cephas and  Marco helped me.  Took most of the day to do this but then Penny and I helped Ant prepare sambas and snacks for his evening curry party in the garden.  It was a chance for Natalie to receive the donation that I had brought over for her orphans project from Llandovery Rotary Club.  She was so very happy to receive this and I know she will put it directly to very good use.
Cephas next to my pickup
So overcome and happy!
Four of the guests were a group of friends who had just been on a camping trip to Mana which meant that Penny was now really keen to go there - but no real time; we shall see!
On Sunday (16th) we decided to go up Domboshawa, a large granite outcrop on the edge of Harare to see the sunset and full moon.  Penny and I forgot the beer but we did remember the gin and tonics!  Faye brought some beautiful stuffed figs and I had found some cheesy biscuits in the cupboard so it wasn't all bad!

 After our walk we were invited over to Phillipa's house in Monavale for supper.  It's in a beautiful setting and Penny had her first swim in Zimbabwe - by moonlight.

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